Wednesday 24. 04. 2024. | Name-day of: György
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Kisteleki Ede Városi Könyvtár
H-6760 Kistelek, Kossuth tér 1.
Phone: +36 62 / 259 - 425
E-mail: info @ kistelekikonyvtar . hu

This website is supported by the European Union within the ' Befogadó könyvtár – táguló tudás'/'Host library – expanding knowledge ' tender of TIOP-1.2.3-08/1 programme.
Learn more about the tender

Viewed by 195492 visitors on 406344 pages since website started.

According to the Regulation on “Provision of general local cultural duties” of Kistelek Local Board the cultural duties are done by the Programme House, the Telecottage and Kisteleki Ede Town Library. The foundation of the library was in 1949. Like in most settlements of our country the roots of Kistelek library can be traced back to the beginning of the century up to the twenties, to the period of societies and associations. You can read more about it under “History of the library” page.

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